These Installation and Start-up Checklists serve as the foundation for the CIDWT National Installer Curriculum materials. The checklists were developed in conjunction with industry stakeholders and provide details on proper installation techniques and steps for commonly used technologies. This information can be integrated into the professional installer’s business model as appropriate. The checklists may be used for evaluating commercial or industrial systems; however, additional installation checklists may be needed for installation of systems other than those serving single-family residences. A startup checklist is included for many of the technologies. The activities on the startup checklist are necessary to verify the system was installed correctly and clear the system for operation. The startup checklists also document important parameters useful to the O&M service provider or for system troubleshooting and repair, if needed. The checklists do not however, detail activities related to the startup of biological processes, namely establishing microbial populations.
CIDWT. 2009. Installation of Wastewater Treatment Systems. Consortium of Institutes for Decentralized Wastewater Treatment. Iowa State University, Midwest Plan Service. Ames, IA.